What’s your postcode for the Sat-Nav?

We are an off-grid location which means we are not postcode registered however we suggest using the closest postcode which is BA1 9AF. This should take you to Kelston Village and then we suggest following our directions from there, which you can find here.

Are you dog-friendly?

Yes, you can bring your fur-baby!

There are a couple things to note with this. They must be tied up behind the shooting/throwing ranges so that there is no risk in them wandering into the danger zones of the range. They will be in the shade & we have a water bowl. They won’t be far away from you during your activity, roughly a meter & your instructor will most likely be keeping them company whilst you collect your arrows/axes!

What should I wear to take part in your activities?

You must be wearing closed-toe shoes & it is advised to avoid wearing anything that hangs or dangles from your body such as a scarf, long earings/necklaces etc. Gloves are a great idea in the colder months.

Always dress for the weather! You will be outdoors for the duration of your activity so always dress warm in the colder months. 

Is your site accessible?

Every disability is different and it doesn’t feel right to just say no without giving you all the info, it’s better to tell you all the obstacles that exist on our site that we think may cause an issue to different disabilities/aids and you decide for yourself & your abilities. Please view our page dedicated to accessibility>>>

Staying safe online when booking with us

In today’s world unfortunately scammers & hackers are ever more prevalent and we do not want any of our customers to ever be scammed, so we are letting you know what to expect when making a booking with us.

  • We DO NOT take bookings/money through our social media sites. 

Our social media sites are for sharing pictures, marketing & to ask questions about our experiences easily & quickly however if you want to book we would refer you to our website to book or book you in direct through the email address: BrocksAdventures@Outlook.com

  • We DO NOT accept bitcoin
  • We WOULD NOT ask you to buy gift cards to pay for our experiences
  • We DO NOT hassle/haggle customers to make a booking by frequently asking questions or lowering prices

If for any reason you are suspicious about an interaction with someone claiming to be from Brocks Outdoor Adventures, you can always call/text/Whatsapp Billie to check on: 07871693689.

Instagram update: @BrocksAdventure was reported so many times (thank you) that it has been suspended and is no longer operating. I have created a new instagram account: @Brocks.oa feel free to continue your support & give us a follow.Â